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Barnaby Taylor-The BBC Concert Orchestra -- Wild Arabia (CD)

Price: $14.99

Available starting 29 April 2013


Catalog No. : SILCD1426
Product Title : Wild Arabia
Format : CD
Artist(s) : Barnaby Taylor/The BBC Concert  Orchestra
Release Date : 2013
Package Weight : 80g
Publisher : Silva Screen
Other Information :

Barnaby Taylor's alluring score perfectly compliments a romantic journey into the very heart of a lost world – one of virtually impenetrable wilderness, unimaginable landscapes, surprising wildlife bounty and the most startling juxtaposition of ancient and modern to be found anywhere on earth. The latest series from BBC Earth continues the incredible world nature tour following recent productions such as Frozen Planet and Africa. Recorded at Abbey Road with the highly esteemed BBC Concert Orchestra, Barnaby utilised the talents of the ensemble with a full string section, brass, solo woodwinds, harp, percussion and timpani. The result is sweeping melodies for wide desert landscapes offset with the intimacy of traditional instruments. The Emmy award winning film and TV composer has an extensive catalogue of screen music that includes Wild China, Ganges, Journey Of Life and Europe: A Natural History.


1. Wild Arabia Titles
2. Sand, Wind & Stars
3. Discovering Oil
4. Sea Snake
5. Nabateans
6. Scorpion
7. Together
8. Flamingos
9. The Jewel
10. Camel Race
11. Darkness
12. Lights
13. Mountain
14. Oryx
15. Mists
16. Monsoon
17. Dawn/Beauty
18. Beach Foxes
19. Date Palms
20. Docks
21. Leopard
22. Dhub
23. Water
24. The Desert
25. Technology
26. Harrier Hunt
27. Futures
28. Heartlands

Parameters of Category: Categories
Label    Evosound
Format    CD
Genre    Instrumental

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