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The Manhattan Transfer -- The Chick Corea Songbook (CD)

Price: $14.99


Catalog No. : EVSA082
Product Title : The Chick Corea Songbook
Format : CD
Artist(s) : The Manhattan Transfer
Release Date : 2010
Package Weight : 110g
Publisher : Evolution Ltd.
Other Information :

One of the greatest vocal groups of all time, the Manhattan Transfer, celebrate their 40th anniversary with the release of their long awaited studio album - The Chick Corea Songbook this groundbreaking and ambitious project is sure to rekindle the enthusiasm of their countless fans and once again win critical and popular acclaim with a stellar performance that will re-affirm the reason why The Manhattan Transfer is an inspiration and the standard bearer for vocal groups all over the world. The Chick Corea Songbook features fresh and exciting vocal interpretations of some of the classic, popular and brilliant Chick Corea compositions, and includes a new composition, "Free Samba" which has been written specially for this album by Chick Corea. The album also features guest appearances by some of the finest musicians in the world including Chick Corea, Airto, Alex Acuna, Christian McBride, Fred Hersch, Edsel Gomez, Lou name a few. In the course of their long and successful career Manhattan Transfer has sold millions of albums in North America alone, and have won multiple Grammy and other major awards.



Parameters of Category: Categories
Label    Evosound
Format    CD
Genre    Jazz

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